Friday, December 28, 2012

A New Year to Dream...

Sometimes what you are wishing and hoping for is just not what you are meant for.

Accepting this may be one of the more difficult things I'll have to do in my life.

But moving forward to find my true purpose is the first step in the journey.

So, here is to a new year.

A new dream.

And continued happiness, no matter what comes my way.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Positively Freezing

In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, the "Frankenstorm" and the following nor'easter which I have dubbed "The Bride of Frankenstorm" many have lost their lives, their homes and everything they owned.  My heart breaks when I see the photos of the areas hit the hardest.

My town did not suffer a lot of damage to homes, but we had and have many trees down, telephone poles down and even wires down still.  I lost my power at about 7pm on Monday October 29, 2012 and I, along with may in my town, our surrounding areas and the state are still waiting for it to come back on.

My husband and I started by passing the time leasurely.  It wasn't so bad.  You make time for things you normally don't think to do when you are distracted with work and television, etc.  We played board games, we had some fun nights drinking by the fire outside.  We even stayed up into the wee hours of the morning reading out loud to each other.  So needless to say, despite the hassle of being without the many conveniences of electricity, we found ways to spend some quality time with each other, our friends and our families.

Last night, November 7, 2012, NJ got hit with a Nor'easter.  It was also my nephews 12th birthday.  We spent some time in the warmth of my sister's house, had dinner and cake and just hung out.  When we went home it was cold and it was dark. We turned our normal pots of water on to boil and warm up our home.  Lit a bunch of candles for light and a little more warmth.  Settled in and watched a movie (via generator) before going to bed.  Even once in bed it wasn't so bad, under 5 blankets and tucked between my dog and my husband.

This morning however marked day eleven.  It's not the uneeded conveniences I miss. It's being warm in my house.  Getting out of bed and being able to see your own breath puts a damper on getting ready for work.  It got me down this morning and it was the first time this whole situation brought me to tears and made me want to throw in the towel on trying to remain positive and functional.

Now, even saying this makes me feel guilty and selfish because I know there are many hit by Sandy that are way worse off than I am. But it doesn't change the state I was in this morning.  Doesn't change that I am still just as frustrated by the fact that not only myself and my family are suffering but that so many others are suffering too.

I know that the power companies and public workers are working extra hard, away from their own families and possible damaged homes.  I know that we have received thousands of extra helping hands from all over the country to help get us all back up and running.  And I know that it is going to take time due to the massive amount of damage suffered all over the state.

But I am only human and I made it 10 days before letting it get the best of me.

Today I am looking for the ray of light to hold onto.  Clutching the small silver linings that are available to me and appreciating all those offers of help and places to stay.  We are loved by many people and we love them immensly in return.

According to some neighbors PSE&G claims to be aiming to have us back up and running by tomorrow November 9, 2012.  I am hoping and praying that is the case.  And I am hoping and praying that everyone out there has some comfort in friends and family no matter what they've lost. 

Keep positive and spread light... we could all use some!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bumpy Roads

Life’s road is full of bumps, road blocks, detours and accidents… but if you are too busy looking out for the next pot hole you will miss all the beauty beside you, in front of you, behind you and within you.

There are always going to be difficult times and we suffer through them knowing that it is only temporary.  

Life changes frequently.  It’s your willingness to keep moving forward and your ability to adapt that will ease these times of strife so that you can reach for better days.

We can’t throw in the towel every time life hands us a challenge.  We have to fight to find a our own detour through each challenge.  Accept that you cannot win them all and enjoy every minute of the struggle as much as you will enjoy each moment between them.

If we waste too much time wallowing in the disappointment of the trying times, we miss out on all the good that goes on around us.

So I say we should all accept life’s challenges head on but live our lives in spite of these bumps in our road! 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Just a thought...

For once, let's not compare you and I. Let's not argue wrong or right. 
Let's just accept that what works for me may not work for you.
But that it is entirely OK in both cases. No judgments. No apologies. 
No need to convince each other to think differently. 
Let's just be and live peacefully.


I just want to get to a place where I am OK with whatever I am given.  

That I don't yearn for things that have not come my way.

I want to know that I am good enough with or without that which I want.  That I am given what is needed and that should be good enough.

I want to know that I am whole, just the way I am.  

I am OK with me and what I have been blessed with and that it is enough.

Happiness comes in many shapes and sizes.  What I desire may not be where my purpose lies. 

I am meant for something else and I want to be able to look at myself and know that, that is quite alright.

I just want to be OK... today and everyday.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Pay it forward!

I know that the way we each choose to live our lives daily is a choice we make each morning for ourselves and the people in our daily lives.

I know that my choice to live a more positive and loving life style is not for everyone, but maybe it should be!  Maybe we should all try to be more welcoming and positive.

If more people smiled at stragers, said good morning to their cashier or asked someone in need if they could help them.... maybe, just maybe, the world we live in could become a world over flowing with Love and Compassion.

The world as it is today is brimming with fear and hate.  There are so many things put out there for the shock and awe of the story.  We are taught to fear strangers, for no other reason than that some people are hurtful. Some people.... NOT all people.

I feel like our world is punishing the many because of the actions of the few.  People hate people because of their skin color or who they choose to love, etc.  People fear what they cannot understand and that fear manifests itself as hate.

I think we need to pump more love and acceptance into the world we live in everyday.  Your local neighborhoods, schools, churches, shops, etc.  If we start there and all make a great effort to be less afraid of the man we pass on the street every morning and make an effort to say hello, maybe even ask how they are... that could lead to a world of safety, comfort and compassion.

We've got to dimish these flames of fear and hate and spread the aceptance and love that EVERYONE in this world deserves.  If we can't take responsibility for our part in making the world a better, safer place... then who will?

It's not every man for himself... It is UNITED WE STAND!

Our task as humans is to spread humanity.  Our goal should be to know and love others no matter what.  With the power of the internet it is not hard to spread these messages and reach many people.  If we are willing to start the ball rolling than hopefully others will be compelled to keep it rolling.  We can make a difference in this world, together!


Our Mission Everyday
Do something nice for someone in the hopes that they will follow your lead and do the same for someone else; so on and so forth... 


Friday, June 8, 2012

My Pearls of Wisdom...

I have used twitter and facebook a lot lately to share some great quotes by other people that inspire me on a daily basis.  Since I have been on the path of positivity it has made me see things so much clearer. 

I have been inspired a lot lately to share some of my own positive messages with the world.  I want to share these positive vibes in the hopes that they will lead someone else to this path and improve their daily living the way it has for me.

So here are my top ten most recent Pearls of Wisdom... I hope they inspire you!

1. Never cover up your imperfections, because those cracks allow your inner light to shine through.

2. Take joy in what you have and be ever grateful. For someone, somewhere is yearning for that which you take for granted.

3. Life is about finding your slice of happiness and enjoying every bite of it.

4. We are only as good as our word. Our word is only as good as our intentions. Live with good intention.
5. If you can change your bitterness to graciousness, your jealousy to inspiration and your envy to motivation; you can change your life.

6. Our happiness is a direct result of the choices we make every day... Choose wisely!

7. If you find yourself unhappy with something; take action or stop complaining. It's as simple as that.

8. Never hold back. Always hold on.

9. Nothing in this life is permanent. You've got to love the ones you've got, with all you have; at all times.

10. If you want to be listened to, you have to listen too.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Epic Thought of the Day

Life is about living, not just existing.

There will always be stress. There will always be bumps in the road. But each one is a lesson to be learned.

You've got to seek out the good and the positive and thrive on them. There is always something good to hold on to. So when you are down in the dumps, seek what you need to lift yourself up.

Because every new day you are given is a blessing to cherish.

Fill it with happiness!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

10 Inspirational Quotes on Making a Difference

"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough, we must do.” - Leonardo da Vinci

"How wonderful that no one need wait a single moment to improve the world.” - Anne Frank

“Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have.” - Margaret Mead

“Go out into the world and do good until there is too much good in the world.” - Larry Miller

“When you cease to make a contribution, you begin to die.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

“I feel that the greatest reward for doing is the opportunity to do more.” - Dr. Jonas Salk

“Your thoughts, words and deeds are painting the world around you.” - Jewel Diamond Taylor

“The mind has exactly the same power as the hands: not merely to grasp the world, but to change it.” - Colin Wilson

“We can choose to be affected by the world or we can choose to affect the world.” - Heidi Wills

“It takes each of us to make a difference for all of us.” - Jackie Mucheson

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Choice is Yours...

Everyone in this life is entitled to their own opinions.

Just like everyone in this life is entitled to be who they are, love who they love, pray to whom they want, etc.

Spending your life trying to get others to accept your choices, is just wasting your life.

They are YOUR CHOICES, no one else has to live with them

Be who you are.  Speak from your heart. Love who you love.

You only get one shot at a happy life, don't waste it.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The End

Looking back on things is rough when you have unresolved feelings about what went on.  Things you've often imagined yourself saying or doing to bring yourself closure, when you most likely will never get that opportunity.  Closure is elusive.

Sometimes it's hard to not just say the things that fly through your mind.  More often than not, it is much better that you don't.  Because the thoughts we think in the heat of the moment are tainted with what ever emotion we are feeling.  Once said out loud, they can never be taken away; the damage done. 

So why can't I let go?

I have been hurt by mere words and petty actions, only because I allow myself to continue to feel those wounds.  I have not treated them or let them be to heal.  My mind constantly picking at old scabs.

Wondering... wondering is the worst, right?!?!  I mean, we can drive ourselves crazy with "what ifs" but in the end we will never know what would have come to be had we just said something different or done something in another way.  It is what it is, no changing that.

So again, why is it so hard to let go of hurt?

To turn your back absolutely on those who have caused you pain.  Lessons learned... but the want for closure still lingers on.

Forgiveness can't be solely reliant on knowing the other party admits they were wrong... Forgiveness is on an individual basis. In order to forgive, I do not need to be forgiven.

Letting go... sounds so easy.  But emotions create ties that have become much harder to sever.

I guess patience will be the key... but in the mean time waiting with the scars is somewhat bothersome.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Free Will

One of the greatest attributes about our country is that we are afforded the right to express our thoughts and feelings freely & truly.

What one feels may not be how another feels. What affects many may not affect all. We have the freedom to speak our minds and share our thoughts on any and all subjects.

No one should be foolish enough to believe that their view is absolute nor should any of us try to force our views & opinions onto others. We are allowed that freedom and should allow others the same.

There is no right way to express yourself. To each his own. The sooner we all come to terms with this and stop the endless fight over personal views and opinions; the sooner our lives will be peaceful.

Free of ignorance and hate and full of acceptance.

"When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of Power the world will know PEACE." ~ Bob Marley

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I am

I am a hopeless romantic.  I am sappy and emotional.  I cry at movies, books or television stories.  I believe in the unseen. I am curious about the unknown. I have faith in many things.  I believe in happily ever after. I love with an open heart. I trust without the guarantee of honesty in return. I am strong. I am weak. I am forgiving. I love my life.  I am creative. I am positive. I am productive. I am learning. I am teaching. I am unique. I am caring. I am multifaceted.  I can get angry. I can yell. I can apologize. I can let go. I am who I am and that will change for no one.

Love yourself... every last inch. The good, the bad and the ugly

It is ALL a part of what makes you, You.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Baby Steps

We all have a list of things that we would like to accomplish.  From the small things around the house to the larger life goals.  When compiled as a single list it can look quite overwhelming.  How on earth can a person find the time to complete all these things in a year?!?! 

My advice? BABY STEPS.

Start with the small and work towards the large.  Sometimes there will be challenges that get in the way of your goals and you may have to re-route your efforts temporarily.  Occasionally life's little detours make you push some goals off to the side in order to work on the here and now.  I say, that's OK.  Such is life; it's unpredictable and does not always go according to plan.

That's when you sit down and re-evaluate.  Pat yourself on the back for the things that you can cross off that mental list.  Re-arrange the things that can wait a little longer.  Bump up some priorities that you don't want to go to the way side and add in whatever hiccup life has thrown your way.

A good plan is everything, but everything is not always included in that plan.  We've got to learn to adapt and roll with the punches or we will feel like we've lost control.

We can only devote our full attention to one thing at a time.  Multi-tasking is a wonderful thing, but you've got to balance out the items on the list of things you can handle simultaneously without overloading yourself.  That is usually better with your smaller goals that you can be working towards at the same time.

Bigger goals may require more planning and more time to work towards. But anything can be done if you set your mind to it!

I'm compiling my list of things to accomplish throught this year and I truly hope when 2012 comes to an end I can say that I have satisfied most, if not all of them.  Maybe I will be bold enough to share my list with everyone... maybe. ;-)

So, here's to baby steps and deep breaths!! May we all meet our goals this year.

Monday, January 2, 2012


A new year...

366 days to make it count this year!

I am pretty proud that I kept up with my blogging and my positive frame of mind throughout 2011.  It wasn't always easy and there were some bad days in there some where; but who wants to remember those?!?! Not me, that's for sure!

Time to let go of the past and move towards the opportunities of the days to come!

So here is 2012; a year with millions of possibilities.

As I said last year (like it's so long ago)... I have institued the "Any Day Resolution" and I intend to stick with that.  No need to only make a positive change once a year.  When you can change things any time you decide! Make up your mind, set a goal and work towards meeting that goal everyday.

Here is to:
More love and less hate;
More positive and less negative;
More acceptance and less judgment;
More forgiveness and less grudges.

Here's to a better year for me and a better year for you!

Thank you for continuing to follow and read my blog!!! (=

Love: Optimistically Realistic