Thursday, January 19, 2012

I am

I am a hopeless romantic.  I am sappy and emotional.  I cry at movies, books or television stories.  I believe in the unseen. I am curious about the unknown. I have faith in many things.  I believe in happily ever after. I love with an open heart. I trust without the guarantee of honesty in return. I am strong. I am weak. I am forgiving. I love my life.  I am creative. I am positive. I am productive. I am learning. I am teaching. I am unique. I am caring. I am multifaceted.  I can get angry. I can yell. I can apologize. I can let go. I am who I am and that will change for no one.

Love yourself... every last inch. The good, the bad and the ugly

It is ALL a part of what makes you, You.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Baby Steps

We all have a list of things that we would like to accomplish.  From the small things around the house to the larger life goals.  When compiled as a single list it can look quite overwhelming.  How on earth can a person find the time to complete all these things in a year?!?! 

My advice? BABY STEPS.

Start with the small and work towards the large.  Sometimes there will be challenges that get in the way of your goals and you may have to re-route your efforts temporarily.  Occasionally life's little detours make you push some goals off to the side in order to work on the here and now.  I say, that's OK.  Such is life; it's unpredictable and does not always go according to plan.

That's when you sit down and re-evaluate.  Pat yourself on the back for the things that you can cross off that mental list.  Re-arrange the things that can wait a little longer.  Bump up some priorities that you don't want to go to the way side and add in whatever hiccup life has thrown your way.

A good plan is everything, but everything is not always included in that plan.  We've got to learn to adapt and roll with the punches or we will feel like we've lost control.

We can only devote our full attention to one thing at a time.  Multi-tasking is a wonderful thing, but you've got to balance out the items on the list of things you can handle simultaneously without overloading yourself.  That is usually better with your smaller goals that you can be working towards at the same time.

Bigger goals may require more planning and more time to work towards. But anything can be done if you set your mind to it!

I'm compiling my list of things to accomplish throught this year and I truly hope when 2012 comes to an end I can say that I have satisfied most, if not all of them.  Maybe I will be bold enough to share my list with everyone... maybe. ;-)

So, here's to baby steps and deep breaths!! May we all meet our goals this year.

Monday, January 2, 2012


A new year...

366 days to make it count this year!

I am pretty proud that I kept up with my blogging and my positive frame of mind throughout 2011.  It wasn't always easy and there were some bad days in there some where; but who wants to remember those?!?! Not me, that's for sure!

Time to let go of the past and move towards the opportunities of the days to come!

So here is 2012; a year with millions of possibilities.

As I said last year (like it's so long ago)... I have institued the "Any Day Resolution" and I intend to stick with that.  No need to only make a positive change once a year.  When you can change things any time you decide! Make up your mind, set a goal and work towards meeting that goal everyday.

Here is to:
More love and less hate;
More positive and less negative;
More acceptance and less judgment;
More forgiveness and less grudges.

Here's to a better year for me and a better year for you!

Thank you for continuing to follow and read my blog!!! (=

Love: Optimistically Realistic