In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, the "Frankenstorm" and the following nor'easter which I have dubbed "The Bride of Frankenstorm" many have lost their lives, their homes and everything they owned. My heart breaks when I see the photos of the areas hit the hardest.
My town did not suffer a lot of damage to homes, but we had and have many trees down, telephone poles down and even wires down still. I lost my power at about 7pm on Monday October 29, 2012 and I, along with may in my town, our surrounding areas and the state are still waiting for it to come back on.
My husband and I started by passing the time leasurely. It wasn't so bad. You make time for things you normally don't think to do when you are distracted with work and television, etc. We played board games, we had some fun nights drinking by the fire outside. We even stayed up into the wee hours of the morning reading out loud to each other. So needless to say, despite the hassle of being without the many conveniences of electricity, we found ways to spend some quality time with each other, our friends and our families.
Last night, November 7, 2012, NJ got hit with a Nor'easter. It was also my nephews 12th birthday. We spent some time in the warmth of my sister's house, had dinner and cake and just hung out. When we went home it was cold and it was dark. We turned our normal pots of water on to boil and warm up our home. Lit a bunch of candles for light and a little more warmth. Settled in and watched a movie (via generator) before going to bed. Even once in bed it wasn't so bad, under 5 blankets and tucked between my dog and my husband.
This morning however marked day eleven. It's not the uneeded conveniences I miss. It's being warm in my house. Getting out of bed and being able to see your own breath puts a damper on getting ready for work. It got me down this morning and it was the first time this whole situation brought me to tears and made me want to throw in the towel on trying to remain positive and functional.
Now, even saying this makes me feel guilty and selfish because I know there are many hit by Sandy that are way worse off than I am. But it doesn't change the state I was in this morning. Doesn't change that I am still just as frustrated by the fact that not only myself and my family are suffering but that so many others are suffering too.
I know that the power companies and public workers are working extra hard, away from their own families and possible damaged homes. I know that we have received thousands of extra helping hands from all over the country to help get us all back up and running. And I know that it is going to take time due to the massive amount of damage suffered all over the state.
But I am only human and I made it 10 days before letting it get the best of me.
Today I am looking for the ray of light to hold onto. Clutching the small silver linings that are available to me and appreciating all those offers of help and places to stay. We are loved by many people and we love them immensly in return.
According to some neighbors PSE&G claims to be aiming to have us back up and running by tomorrow November 9, 2012. I am hoping and praying that is the case. And I am hoping and praying that everyone out there has some comfort in friends and family no matter what they've lost.
Keep positive and spread light... we could all use some!