Friday, July 20, 2012

Pay it forward!

I know that the way we each choose to live our lives daily is a choice we make each morning for ourselves and the people in our daily lives.

I know that my choice to live a more positive and loving life style is not for everyone, but maybe it should be!  Maybe we should all try to be more welcoming and positive.

If more people smiled at stragers, said good morning to their cashier or asked someone in need if they could help them.... maybe, just maybe, the world we live in could become a world over flowing with Love and Compassion.

The world as it is today is brimming with fear and hate.  There are so many things put out there for the shock and awe of the story.  We are taught to fear strangers, for no other reason than that some people are hurtful. Some people.... NOT all people.

I feel like our world is punishing the many because of the actions of the few.  People hate people because of their skin color or who they choose to love, etc.  People fear what they cannot understand and that fear manifests itself as hate.

I think we need to pump more love and acceptance into the world we live in everyday.  Your local neighborhoods, schools, churches, shops, etc.  If we start there and all make a great effort to be less afraid of the man we pass on the street every morning and make an effort to say hello, maybe even ask how they are... that could lead to a world of safety, comfort and compassion.

We've got to dimish these flames of fear and hate and spread the aceptance and love that EVERYONE in this world deserves.  If we can't take responsibility for our part in making the world a better, safer place... then who will?

It's not every man for himself... It is UNITED WE STAND!

Our task as humans is to spread humanity.  Our goal should be to know and love others no matter what.  With the power of the internet it is not hard to spread these messages and reach many people.  If we are willing to start the ball rolling than hopefully others will be compelled to keep it rolling.  We can make a difference in this world, together!


Our Mission Everyday
Do something nice for someone in the hopes that they will follow your lead and do the same for someone else; so on and so forth... 


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