Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Be the change you want to see in the world...

It is so easy to judge others, that we sometimes forget to judge ourselves. It is often times easier to point out other people's flaws then to acknowledge our own.

There is no such thing as perfection and we should be glad of that fact! If there were a concrete example of perfection in this world, none of us would measure up and think about what that would do to our self worth.

There are so many other, BIGGER, things going on in the world around us. Death, Sickness, Wars, Homelessness, Starvation, Torture, Hate, Disasters and the list goes on.

Do we really believe that all the little things that irk us daily are more tragic than the actual tragedies that take place on a daily basis around the world?!?!

We are minuscule in the scheme of things. In the population of our planet I am one of BILLIONS. Yes, Billions. My strife is nothing compared to the real life struggles of people far less fortunate around the globe.

So, if love and positivity can spread from person to person and become continuously contagious. Then maybe we could all learn to start leading by example.

Love begets love, just as hate begets hate and if knowledge begets knowledge, then ignorance begets ignorance.

This world, the whole world, could use a lot more love and a lot less hate. A lot more acceptance and a lot less judgment.

Change starts with one person. It starts with me and continues with you.

"Be the change you want to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi

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