Monday, January 2, 2012


A new year...

366 days to make it count this year!

I am pretty proud that I kept up with my blogging and my positive frame of mind throughout 2011.  It wasn't always easy and there were some bad days in there some where; but who wants to remember those?!?! Not me, that's for sure!

Time to let go of the past and move towards the opportunities of the days to come!

So here is 2012; a year with millions of possibilities.

As I said last year (like it's so long ago)... I have institued the "Any Day Resolution" and I intend to stick with that.  No need to only make a positive change once a year.  When you can change things any time you decide! Make up your mind, set a goal and work towards meeting that goal everyday.

Here is to:
More love and less hate;
More positive and less negative;
More acceptance and less judgment;
More forgiveness and less grudges.

Here's to a better year for me and a better year for you!

Thank you for continuing to follow and read my blog!!! (=

Love: Optimistically Realistic

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