Monday, July 25, 2011

Relax, Relate, Release

Originally heard this quoted on A Different World by the character named Whitley Marion... This was in the late 80's and I was only about 10 years old, but it has always been in the back of my mind.

When something hurtful happens and I want to react or lash out, it pops to the front of my mind. When I feel the need to knock someone down just because they were unnecessarily hurtful towards me, it reminds me to take a minute to breathe.

I am almost 32 years old and I know who I am and I am happy with the way I live my life... I am comfortable in my own skin. I know how I would like people to remember me and I try my hardest to not do something to someone else that I wouldn't want done to me.

Sure I have unhappy thoughts, mean thoughts... but that is where they stay... In my thoughts. I rarely voice them, cause I don't like to be hurtful. I know how it feels to be on the receiving end of cruel words and I don't want to be the one to cause that unhappiness to others.

I refuse to let anyone else's negativity drag me down to their level. If other people want to be hurtful only to raise themselves up, then honestly that is their problem.

I will go on being me and knowing that if I am happy with Me, then it doesn't matter much what anyone else seems to think.

Relax... when something bad happens, process it

Relate... when you are hurt, remember it only feeds the fire to hurt in return

Release... forgive, forget and move forward

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